5 Steps that will help to reduce belly fat and loss weight faster than ever.

5 Steps that will help to reduce belly fat and loss weight faster than ever.

If you're imposing massive restrictions on your diet and avoiding all your favorite foods just to lose some weight chances, are you're probably not going to stick to that plan for very long, and after over 12 years of working hands-on with people looking to lose weight both at my gyms in New Jersey and online. I found at the fastest way for people to lose weight is to take simple steps that are sustainable and the slowest way to lose weight is by going through the yo-yo dieting cycle. Where you lose the weight and then you regain it over and over again. And when people go through that cycle, it truly doesn't matter how fast you originally lost the weight. Because even if you lose 30 lb in a month with a restrictive no-carb diet. But you regain all of it the next month at the end of the month to you just lost nothing.

So the five simple methods that I'm about to go over are not going to be magical quick fixes or revolutionary breakthroughs and fat loss by any means. 

But what I can tell you from experience that comes from actually working with real people is, if you implement these simple changes you will lose weight faster and it won't be as much of a day-to-day grind to do so which will allow you to keep the weight off.

So step number one:

Is to not be overly restrictive with your diet or at least not for too long. Now, why is this so important? why is this the very first step? well, your mind is one of the hardest things to control. Following a restricted plan can indeed be beneficial to beginning to break some bad eating habits reducing cravings for things like sugar and seeing some quick results. So that you feel motivated to want to keep going. However, this is so important guys if you don't switch away from that restrictive mindset you're setting yourself up for a binge.

If you love pastries and ice cream and chips and pasta and you tell yourself that I'm never eating any of these things again. All you'll be able to think about are those very things that you're restricting and you'll be thinking about them 10 times more than ever before. This is just how the mind works. When we're not allowed to do something that we want it becomes a battle. And I'm not saying that you can't win this battle for some time but if you try this restrictive approach for too long you're going to have at least one bad day and you're gonna binge. And by the time you get that bench under control you're going to be back to square one.

I’ve seen this over and over again. So for most people that aren't getting ready for a competition 4 to 6 weeks is the maximum amount of time that you want to be restricted for, and really you don't even have to be restricted at all.

You don't have to count every last one of your calories and you don't have to go to bed every night dying from Hunger.

So how does that work? how do you lose weight without the typical restrictive route? 

Well, this is where Step 2 comes into play.... 

Step 2 

And again guys this is very important to satisfy your hunger before satisfying your cravings. When you get hungry your mind will immediately wander off to thinking about foods that are Very calorically dense and easily accessible like donuts, ice cream, and potato chips.  When food has a high caloric density it just means that it has a lot of calories for its size. Or in other words for the amount of space that it'll ultimately take up in your stomach. For example, 1 cup of spinach only has seven Cal. Meanwhile, one cup of Eminem's has over 1,000 calories.

Which one do you think you're more likely to crave when you get hungry? This is why I crash diets that don't routinely satisfy your hunger. Usually, end in a giant bin session that includes tons of sweet and fattening processed foods based on how we evolved. It makes sense that we're wired to crave foods that are high in sugar and fats. Because those foods provide a quick large amount of calories all in a compact size. And before we had supermarkets modern Agriculture and refrigerators it was important to take in enough calories to refill your fat stores. Because there was no guarantee of easy access to food at all times. but the problem is that nowadays we have access to food 24/7.

There's lots of processed food with unnaturally high caloric density, that are always within easy reach, and processed food and junk food fill up our fuel tank. So to speak disproportionately to the way it feels up for the stomach. But it doesn't change the fact that it tastes good and We crave it when we get hungry. So when you do get hungry you don't want to try to force those Cravings that come with that hunger out of your mind by trying to restrict. But instead, you want to satisfy that hunger with unprocessed foods that naturally have a low caloric density. And then only satisfy your cravings after you've already satisfied your hunger.

By doing that you'll find out once your stomach is full most of your cravings for things like junk food will naturally disappear from your mind without you having to fight a losing battle of trying to force them out of there. Foods that will help you satisfy your hunger include high protein options like chicken turkey and fish. Fruits and vegetables have a very low caloric density and they're high in fiber so, of course, they're great at satisfying hunger. That's why they recommended almost every plan for weight loss. Also, healthy fats like avocado salmon and egg yolks all play an important part in reducing hunger as well. Now after you eat a filling meal full of natural single-ingredient foods, you can satisfy those remaining Cravings.

If you have any at all you'll be much less likely to overeat since your stomach will already be full. The bottom line is with whatever plan you set up do your best to satisfy your physical feeling of hunger. Because if you don't that's when your mind's Cravings will get worse and that's when you'll binge on the wrong Foods.

ALL Done

Now step 3:

 is to always have filling single ingredient Foods available within a few minutes notice. Speed is King when it comes to satisfying your hunger. Like I said earlier, most junk food requires no prep and it's always within easy reach when you start feeling hungry. If you're going to stand there boiling brown rice for 30 minutes and firing up the grill to cook chicken breast you're going to have to wrestle with your Cravings that whole time. And many times this results in a loss where you cave and give to the junk food before you ever even had the chance to satisfy that physical feeling of hunger.

This is why you want simple options available at all times. What are the best are frozen vegetables? You can easily make a stir-fry with frozen vegetables in 5 to 10 minutes. If you want to do even less work and you want to fill up your stomach faster you can come by in frozen vegetables and frozen fruit in a blender. For example, you can fill the blender with two cups of green veggies like spinach kale, or collard greens and then add a cup of frozen berries on top add water and blend.

This will only take you 2 minutes and not only is it healthy but it truly helps satisfy hunger, and it's a great strategy to position this before you eat a healthy meal. If you have done this before you'll be amazed at how well does naturally eliminate your Cravings instead of trying to force them away, which only ends up making them more powerful. Just keep in mind, I don't recommend making it in a juicer. Because you're going to lose all that fiber and that fiber is essential for keeping you telling off that hunger. Another option is to have a couple of pre-prep meals sitting in your fridge, ready to go this way when you're hungry you won't be tempted to Grace on snacks while you're cooking. Now for you to follow this strategy of eating healthy foods daily you can't constantly force yourself to eat Bland salad just to kill off your hunger.

This is why step four: Is to make healthy food tastes great. Again, that restrictive dieting mentality makes you believe that to lose weight you have to stir fry vegetables with only one drop of oil or that it's ideal to make a green smoothie by combining only spinach and water in a blender rather than adding in some fruit as well. And believe me, I've been on both sides of the fence. And they have ideas who are from bodybuilding and bottling background, where most of my meals were plain and boring chicken breast broccoli, and brown rice over and over again.

But later on, I discovered that you don't have to do that to stay in great shape. And for most people trying to lose weight blend boring foods and every meal will quickly make you hate your diet. If you don't make the healthy food you eat taste good you simply won't want to eat it for very long. To stick to a plan not only do you have to not be overly restrictive and satisfy your hunger quickly. But you also have to actually enjoy it. Or else it’s just a matter of time until you give up and you'll go right back up to your original starting weight. Even if you add a few T-Mobile spoons of olive oil to your stir-fried veggies, it'll still be relatively low in calories especially for how feeling it'll be. If that prevents you from eating a bowl of nachos with cheese you can do it daily because you enjoy the taste.

Then that becomes a long-term sustainable strategy. Now obviously just dumping olive oil into all of your food isn't make it taste great, but there are ways to make any single ingredient food and add certain seasonings condiments, and oils to make them taste great. Again this is very important because if it's a burden for you to eat the food that you should be eating to lose weight you will always feel like you're suffering. and I don't care who you are if your diet makes you feel miserable you're not going to stick to it.

Step number five

Set up an eating pattern that you can routinely stick to that easily prevents overeating and that works with your preferences. I want you to give up the myths associated with Neil’s frequency and meal timing. Nobody at the five or six times a day to lose weight.

Your metabolism will not slow down if you eat the same amount of calories in just one meal a day. In fact for many of you sticking to this one meal a day where you would break your fast by filling your stomach up with a green smoothie or a vegetable stir-fry and then you would eat a meal that was high in protein and fat and full of high fiber carbs. All before satisfying any remaining Cravings that would help accelerate weight loss in a rather effortless way for many of you. For others fasting all day to get to that one meal at night could feel like absolute torture and could bring out more Cravings.

If that sounds like you and you do better with more frequent meals throughout the day then do that. If you want to only eat twice a day instead of just once then intermittent fasting can help you do that. But don't get stuck with the dog mutt that you must do it a certain way. The fewer meals that you eat throughout the day the bigger and the more filling each one of your meals will be able to be.

The downside to that is you will have to go for some time throughout the day with no food at all. While this may be hard in the beginning your body will adapt to any you eating schedule in a relatively short amount of time.

So those are the five simple steps that will give you a solid foundation to lose weight faster by keeping every pound you lose off permanently. By not being overly restrictive prioritizing foods that have a lower calorie density having those quickly available to satisfy hunger and by making those Foods taste great. All while spreading them out throughout the day in a way that aligns with your preferences you will lose weight without that grind that's typically associated with diet.

In Diet Focus

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