Is a plant-based diet the healthiest option for seniors? Here Is What the Professionals Say.

Nutrition is more crucial than ever as we age. Here, we look into the healthiest diet for seniors.

People who reside on the Greek island of Ikaria have a good chance of living into their 90s in good health, in sharp contrast to much of the western world. There could be a few causes for this, according to experts. Regular exercise is one. Ikaria is a mountainous region, making even going to the store physically taxing. Another factor that lowers the prevalence of depression is a strong sense of community. Diet is another example.

Ikaria is one of the five recognized Blue Zones in the world. Its inhabitants eat primarily plant-based foods, similar to the populations of Okinawa in Japan and Nicoya in Costa Rica. We're not referring to processed foods or vegan meats; rather, we're talking about fresh fruit, leafy greens, grains, beans, and legumes. So, is the optimal diet for senior health one focused on whole, plant-based foods? It certainly seems that way, if Blue Zones are any indication. Here, we examine the causes in more detail.

Aging and diet

Food becomes more crucial than ever as people age, according to research. And that's because as people age, their bodies begin to alter and require greater support from essential nutrients for their muscles, bones, and organs.

For instance, thinning skin is a typical sign of aging. However, this makes absorbing vitamin D from sunlight more difficult. Calcium deficiency can result from a lack of vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption. These two nutrients can both be replenished through diet.

Protein is essential as it supports the maintenance of muscular mass. Without it, aged adults are more likely to experience muscular atrophy, which can impair mobility and cause a more gradual return to health. According to a study that was published in The Journals of Gerontology, out of 2,900 senior citizens, those who consumed the most protein had a 30% lower risk of developing functional impairment.

Age-related deficiencies in potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and iron are also fairly common. The British Geriatrics Society estimates that 30% of the country's population over 85 has anemia.

Senior health

Diet can contribute to preserving senior health at its best, which may lower the risk of contracting certain diseases.

The World Health Organization points out that, among other healthy behaviors, persons who maintain a nutritious diet and limit their alcohol consumption are at a decreased risk of dementia, for instance. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, and grains and low in red meat and sweets may help lower the chance of acquiring the disease, according to research accepted by the Alzheimer's Society.

A diet rich in plant foods may also lower your chance of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, all of which are frequent causes of mortality for seniors.

As a geriatric nurse and founder of Elderly Guides, a website that offers health resources for seniors and their families, registered dietitian Amber Dixon, MPH, says, "While some people may be tempted to believe that veganism is a diet for young people, the fact is that there are many benefits to eating vegan foods for seniors."

She emphasized that it might lower the risk of dementia and aid in weight maintenance. You will consume a lot of fiber and complex carbohydrates if you follow a vegan diet, she adds. Which promotes blood sugar control and makes you feel fuller for longer.

Healthy aging with veganism

Vegan diets come in many different varieties. For instance, a vegan diet that only consists of French fries and donuts isn't very nutrient-dense. One particular vegan diet is advised: a whole foods, plant-based diet, for the healthiest senior citizens (and people of all ages). similar to the Ikarians

Elderly vegans, like everyone else, may want to think about taking B12 supplements. According to research, vitamin B12 deficiency affects 6% of adults over 60 and is more likely to occur as people get older. Fruits and vegetables do not contain vitamin B12, but fortified cereals and nutritional yeast do.

However, a diet rich in whole foods such as grains, leafy greens, beans, and legumes will enable seniors to obtain nearly all of the essential vitamins and minerals required to support healthy bone, muscle, and organ health. Dietitians suggest the following foods as some of the greatest items to put on your plate.

Dietitians' top picks for senior citizens' diets

1. Foods high in protein, such as tofu.

The vegan cuisine tofu has one of the highest protein contents, according to registered dietitian Patricia Kolesa, MS RDN. She claims that this is due to seniors' increased protein requirements. Tofu, which has about 8 grams of protein per 100 grams, is mentioned by the author as a source that "may be useful in preventing the process of muscle breakdown."

Kolesa continues, "Protein foods can also aid in feeling satisfied and full after a meal. Tofu also contains a lot of calcium, which can help older people who are more susceptible to arthritis and fractures maintain healthy bones.

Read our guide to the best preparation and cooking methods for more tips on how to prepare tofu. Other high-protein vegan meals include seitan, which has a whopping 75 grams of protein, and tempeh, which has 19 grams of protein per 100 grams.

2. Legumes and beans

Beans are a fantastic source of protein for older adults, according to Kolesa. They can provide a complete protein when combined with rice, she explains. With 24 grams per 100 grams, kidney beans are a particularly strong source of iron. We've put together this helpful guide on everything from cannellini to edamame to help you determine which beans contain the most protein (plus high-protein recipes).

However, beans offer more than just protein. Kolesa notes that beans also contain fiber. "Forming a bowel movement can be more difficult in older populations, and fiber can help with digestion by promoting the formation of stool and removing waste from the body. Anemia, which is brought on by insufficient iron, is another issue that affects elders. The body will best absorb iron from beans when they are combined with a diet high in vitamin C, such as red bell peppers.

Dixon concurs that beans are an excellent source of nourishment for seniors and also suggests other legumes that are high in protein and vitamins, such as lentils and peas. She claims that beans and other legumes are rich sources of protein, fiber, and other nutrients that are crucial for senior citizens. They are simple to include in daily meals and can be utilized in a number of recipes.

3. Leafy greens

Dixon also suggests that elders include greens like spinach and kale in their meals. She claims that they are rich in vitamins A and C, which are crucial for maintaining eye health and avoiding age-related vision loss. They also include antioxidants, which lessen inflammation, fight free radicals, and support healthy skin.

Arugula, bok choy, cabbage, watercress, and romaine lettuce are further excellent examples.

Try this Zesty Vegan Salad with Blackened Chickpeas, this Vegan Spinach, Chickpea, and Lemon Pilaf, or this Vegan-Apple Chickpea Kale Salad With Mustard-Dill Dressing to get your fill of leafy greens (along with a side of vital beans and legumes!).

4. Whole grains

Another crucial component of a well-balanced plant-based diet is whole grains. They consist of things like oats, barley, durum wheat, rye, wild rice, brown rice, and wild rice.

"Many essential minerals and vitamins are found in whole grains, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc (which helps prevent anemia), selenium (which protects the immune system), B vitamins (which support energy production), chromium (which helps balance blood sugar levels), and manganese (which supports bone health)," says Dixon.

Check out this vegan garden fried rice, this Jamaican-inspired vegan banana oatmeal porridge, or these healthy vegan strawberry chia oat bites for examples of how to incorporate whole grains into your diet.

5. A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables

Berries, like bananas and strawberries, which are high in vitamins like B6 and C, as well as vibrant vegetables like peppers, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, beets, pumpkins, carrots, and more, can also be included in a nutritious, whole-foods, plant-based diet.

These instances are all distinct in some way. For instance, foods that are orange or yellow contain beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. People should simply try to eat a rainbow of foods in order to preserve excellent health at any age, but especially in their senior years.