How to Gain Weight Fast and Safely when you're underweight ?

How to Gain Weight Fast and Safely when you're underweight? 

Gain Weight Fast and Safely

We always write about weight loss. But there are many people who are very worried about their being underweight. Today we will find some easy ways for them. So that they can gain weight very easily.

Being overweight is just as bad as worrying for the body, just as being underweight is worrying.

Because according to expert doctors, if your BMI (Body Mass Index) is not correct, you are more likely to have physical problems. 

And those whose BMI is not correct have low immunity. So they are at risk of health problems. And unfortunately, sometimes it takes a long time to recover from any kind of disease.

So here are some simple and important ways to gain weight. And to know what you will eat in the morning, noon and night to gain weight. And what kind of exercise to do. And I will know more about the reasons why you are not able to gain weight. For example, you may be underweight due to disease and in that case, you should consult a doctor.

First, we will know what you can put in breakfast for weight gain.


  1. Milk
  2. Eggs
  3. Banana
  4. Dates

(A) Milk:

We all know that milk is a food that contains all the nutrients that our body needs. It contains a lot of calcium. Which helps to strengthen our bones. Contains Vitamin B12 which plays an important role in making our blood. And you can keep milk with any food you want. This will increase your weight very nicely.

(B) Eggs:

It is a kind of natural multivitamin. It contains vitamin A. Which is very beneficial for the eyes. Contains Vitamin B2 which will keep your skin looking good and fresh. There is also zinc. Which will increase your immunity. There are many vitamins that will refresh your body and health. And you can keep it with any food you want. However, eating fried eggs will not be a good one. This is because the oil you are using may be unhealthy. So you can have a boiled egg with breakfast.

(C) Banana:

It contains Vitamin B6. Which boosts your body's immune system. And contains fiber. Which helps indigestion. Simultaneously reduces the risk of heart disease. And it's very easy to get, so you can easily have a banana for breakfast every morning.

(D) Dates:

Dates are fruit that contains calcium and magnesium which helps in maintaining good health. Contains iron and folic acid which helps in making blood. There is more fiber. So you can have a few dates for breakfast.


For lunch, you should include thick pulses (thicker pulses are more effective than thin pulses) with your regular meals, chicken (if you used to eat 1 piece of meat, now take 2 pieces). Many people prefer beef or mutton. Beef or mutton will help you to gain weight, but it can also increase health risks. So it is better to have chicken. But sometimes they can eat. It is better not to eat regularly. And in pulses, you will get many more nutrients including iron, potassium. And you will get a lot of protein in pulses as you could get in beef. However, beef contains some harmful ingredients which are not present in pulses. So pulses are more beneficial.

We also have a lot of bacteria in our stomachs that build up our vitamins and immunity. And there are some foods that are called prebiotic foods to keep these bacteria alive or healthy. Pulses are a type of prebiotic food. So pulses help to keep all these bacteria alive. So you can put pulses in your daily diet.

And at dinner, you can follow the structure of lunch.

Besides, you can eat nuts, raisins, sour curd. These will help you gain weight. And you can add different seeds to the food. You can eat these with rice or sprinkle a little on top. You can eat avocado in the fruit.

What foods to avoid:

Foods that contain more of the same nutrients, such as foods high in sugar. These will help you gain weight, but not in a healthy way. As a result, health risks will remain. Also, it is not right to eat too much sugar.

How much of the above foods to eat:

Not all of the foods need to be eaten together. Because if you have one food at a time, you will not have another. So no matter what you eat at home, you need to eat it in such a way that you know that at least 400 to 500 extra calories enter your body during your day. If you consume more calories than this, you will gain weight more quickly. However, in the case of weight gaining, it is better to proceed slowly.

Below is the number of calories in a food. You will decide how much you need to eat any food

Exercise: Some exercises are very effective in gaining weight. Many people think that exercise only applies for lose weight. Because exercise burns calories. However, exercise will help you to increase your muscle mass and exercise is very important so that you do not accumulate fat as a result of taking extra calories. Below are the names of some exercises you can try at home:

  1. Lunge
  2. Squat
  3. Plank
  4. Push-up

Do the above exercises for at least 2.30 minutes a week (adults). It will be good for both body and mind. If you are a beginner, start with small steps.


1. First you need to know if you are really underweight. So you can take the help of BMI. Conversely, if you are already overweight, you need to lose weight. Otherwise, you will have to face problems physically.

2. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Such as thyroid, diabetes, etc. If you have such a disease, you must seek the help of a doctor. In addition, if you feel any problem eating food, you should seek the help of a doctor. For example, those who have no taste in the mouth or have a sore throat or food stuck in the throat rather than eating.

3. Never take any kind of medicine for weight gain. Even if you gain weight, it will be temporary and it will cause serious damage to your body.

4. Changes in diet can cause gastric problems. So we have to bring change slowly without changing suddenly. As well as increasing the amount of water.

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