Here are some best exercise for weight loss

 Here are some best exercises for weight loss

Definition of exercise?

Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning the body. Exercise consists of cardiovascular conditioning, strength and resistance training, and flexibility.

    Inshort: When you are spending your physical strength to do something, it is a kind of exercise. Like: walking, Running, Push-ups, Sit-ups, Swimming etc.

Exercise help us to lose fat or calories. Most of young person are doing exercise for six pack. It’s quite funny, that six pack help us to impress a girl. But whatever it is. It’s really working. But in our case, we are focused on losing weight and for living a healthy life style by exercise. And exercise reinforces your heart and improves your flow. The expanded blood stream brings the oxygen step up in your body. This aides bring down your danger of heart sicknesses, for example, elevated cholesterol, coronary corridor infection, and cardiovascular failure. Standard exercise can likewise bring down your pulse and fatty substance levels.

There are lots of benefits of exercise. Such as

  • Exercise Aid in weight management.

  • Exercise Protect against many chronic diseases.

  • Exercise Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

  • Exercise Combat cancer-related fatigue.

  • Exercise Improve joint pain and stiffness.

  • Exercise Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Exercise Improve your quality of sleep.

  • Exercise controls weight Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss.

  • Exercise boosts energy.

  • Exercise combats health conditions and diseases.

  • Exercise promotes better sleep.

  • Exercise improves mood.

  • Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life.

  • Exercise can be fun and social!.

  • Exercise Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups)

  • And most important thing is it, exercise also help us to get back from drug addicted life. Which is very sensitive problem of our society in this generations.And as we are in pandemic problem covid-19. And we are one kind of locked in our home. So you can spend your boring life more good and happily with exercise.

    Research has demonstrated that it's important to get all four types of activity: perseverance, strength, equilibrium, and adaptability. Every activity has various advantages. Doing one kind additionally can improve your capacity to do the others, and assortment decreases fatigue and danger of injury. Here are some name of activity:

  • Walking
  • "You can absolutely see weight-loss results from walking 30 minutes a day," said Tom Holland, MS, CSCS, an exercise physiologist, marathoner, and fitness adviser for Bowflex. A 30-minute walk can burn around 150-200 calories, he said, depending on factors like your speed and bodyweight.

  • Running
  • One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories . You can burn 90-100 calories by running one miles. If you want to lose one pound of fat – then, you have to run 35 miles. If you were to run 7 days a week, you would need to run 5 miles each day and you can easily lose one pound of fat in a week.

  • Pull-ups
  • A pull-up burns about one calorie according to the fat burning activity tool. Since 3,500 calories equals one pound, you need to do 3,500 pull-ups to see weight loss.

  • Bodyweight Squat
  • You will burn around 8 calories for every minute doing normal intensity Squats. The average amount of Squats in one minute is 25. This means 1 Squat (moderate effort) equals 0.32 calories. With 100 Squats you will burn approximately 32 calories.

  • Glute Bridge-Iso Hold
  • You will burn around 8 calories (depending on body weight, metabolism rate and muscle-to-fat ratio), for every minute doing Bridges.

  • Crunches
  • You will burn around 6 calories for every minute doing Crunches (also depending on weight and intensity). The average amount of Crunches in one minute is 24. This means one Crunch equals 0.25 calories. With 100 Crunches you will burn approximately 25 calories.

  • Bicycles
  • Cycling is a great workout to add to your fitness regime. It is a very effective exercise that can help you reduce belly fat and achieve your weight loss goals faster.'Few of us are regularly going to average over 200 watts on a long ride,' says Carey. If you divide 7,800 calories that make up 1kg of body fat by the 720 calories you'll burn riding at 200 watts for one hour, it will take you 10.83 hours – 10 hours, 49 minutes, 48 seconds to be precise – to burn 1kg of fat.

  • Planks
  • Plank is one of the best calorie burning and beneficial exercises. A plank hold engages multiple muscles at once, thereby benefiting the core strength of your body. Not just burning the fat around your abdomen area, they also work by giving you an improved posture, flexibility as well as a tighter tummy.

  • Squats
  • According to a study on the calorie-burning effects of various exercises, researchers found that squats burn an average of 8 calories per minute, the highest of all the exercises tested That means you can burn 80 alories in just 10 minute.

  • Lunges
  • According to a study on the calorie-burning effects of various exercises, researchers found that Lunges burn an average of 6 calories per minute, the highest of all the exercises tested That means you can burn 60 alories in just 10 minute.

  • Push-Ups
  • When done correctly, Push-Ups work the chest and core simultaneously. Essentially, it's a "moving plank" that stimulates the pectorals. Because of that, it's an extremely important exercise for fat loss. There are many ways you can use the Push-Up to burn fat.In general, pushups can burn at least 7 calories per minute.

  • High Knees
  • High Knees are a cardio-intensive exercise performed at a fast pace. It engages your core, strengthens all the muscles in your legs, gets your heart rate up and improves momentum, coordination and flexibility. Because of the many physical benefits, high-knees are incorporated into a wide variety of workouts.

  • Reverse-grip Pulldown
  • You'll burn around 112 calories by performing the classic movement at a moderate pace for 15 minutes. Lat pulldown: Build up your back with this easy yet effective exercise. The lat pull down will target the muscles in your upper body and build up your strength.

  • Sit-Ups
  • According to Harvard Health Publishing, a 170 pounds weighing person will burn approximately 30 calories with 100 sit-ups.

  • Squat Jumps
  • It usually burns calories based on a person's weight. Like a person who weighs 165 pounds and performs 5 minutes of high-intensity squats has burned 52 to 55 calories.

  • Calf Raises
  • Raise some calves to strengthen your legs and shoulder backs and give your calf a melody. Packing the boardroom while taking an important phone call or taking some time will burn 85 calories every 15 minutes which is the equivalent of a small lat.We sould do 5,000 reps calf raises.

  • Dead Lifts
  • If you did a dead lift workout in 30 minutes, then you can burn 265 calories. the general rep range is 3-5.

    As we just heard, exercise is good for health. It help us to make life easy, good, full of freshness, improve our self, free from diseases. But too much physical activity can be very bad for health also. Exercising too much or running too fast can have serious consequences for your body and brain. Over-exerting yourself could actually undo the results you worked hard to get, and worse, could damage your heart and arteries, lead to injuries, and make you addicted.

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